Friday Inspiration: Motivational Quotes to Keep You Moving Forward

Once upon a time I started this blog to track several item:

  1. My move from Professional Administrator to working in some capacity in the Publishing industry
  2. Publishing industry trends and news
  3. Fanfiction/Book Reviews

Seems over time this blog has become more about item #3 than anything – which in my mind is ok, #1 is on hold until our finances stabilize enough that we can begin to talk about moving and me switching careers, and sadly #2 has just been forgotten, though I am going to make it a point to bring that back to the forefront of this blog…

On that note we begin to move forward, sometimes we get “stuck” so then how do we move forward when we are stuck?  Or so we seem to be stuck, I believe Earl Nightingale has a good suggestion in the below video he talks about just that, I listen to this and several other motivational videos every morning  before I move onto listening to my music playlists, so take a little while and listen to The Strangest Secret as told by Earl Nightingale – be forewarned it’s a 30 min video:

This week it is Engineer’s Week at work and I believe that Thomas Edison has some of the wisest words to share in terms of work related motivation, therefore, I am continuing my theme of Motivation by spotlighting the founder of General Electric, Thomas Edison

T Edison BW

“Opportunity is missed by most people because  it is dressed in overalls and looks like work”


“There is no substitute for hard work”

GE Imagination at Work

“I never did anything by accident, nor did any of my inventions come by accident; they came by work.”

Most of my followers know that along with my love of books, I have a deep seated love of movies, so because of my secondary love of movies I want to share this video as well because it is on of my absolute Favorite Motivational Speeches ever in a movie, the President Whitmore’s Speech in Independence Day

Images borrowed from:

4 thoughts on “Friday Inspiration: Motivational Quotes to Keep You Moving Forward

  1. Sometimes you have to put your goals on hold for a while, but I’m sure there will come a point when you can achieve them. Pushing past that point of getting ‘stuck’, I find, gives me even more motivation to plough on to get what I want! 😀

    • Truth! Absolute Truth – the industry is going through a massive amount of change right now – it’s following that change and changing with it that’ll make it possible to move into it.

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